Executive Director’s Report
January 2012
The following is a general summary of my activity:
• Administration: Lisa Gardner has started (01-30-12) as our Office Manager. Computers and networking
equipment has been purchased and installed. Office is now fully functional. The Website is now under
our administration. Staff has been trained on basic administration, more detailed training continues.
Met with State Energy Office staff to review the website completely and determine what changes are
necessary. We have begun shopping for general liability insurance. This was not a budgeted item in the
Administration Budget. Gathered necessary data for our accountants BDO to create IRS 1099 forms.
Filed quarterly tax reports with IRS.
• LS Power SREC purchase & Gats registration: Confirmed payment to White Oak Solar Energy LLC in the
amount of $125,686 for 580 SREC’s.
• SREC Auction\Procurement Agent Contract: Met with Kevin Quilliam, President of SRECTrade to discuss
program moving forward, and some outstanding issues. Participated in discussions and assisted in review
of “SRECTrade- SEU” and “SEU-DPL” contracts.
• Networking and Orientation: Through various meetings I continue to learn more about our programs
and the overall renewable energy and energy efficiency world. I completed meetings with Board
Members: Williams; Wagner, Sheehy, Day, and O’Mara; I have now met with all Board members with the
exception of one. I have also met either individually or within a group with the following organizations:
ICF International (contractors for Home Performance with Energy Star), Vermont Energy Investment
Corporation; Siemens; ESCO’s Measurement &Verification Committee; Aesthetica (graphic firm that
worked with AEG); Mid-Atlantic Solar; Jackie Griffith-Controllers Office; Tom Noyes-staff to Renewable
Energy Task Force; Jennifer Casey –Delaware Home Builders\Green for Green Program; Energy Code
• Programming and Marketing Opportunities: I am being contacted by businesses and organizations
looking for assistance or partnerships with SEU. When this occurs I notify our Chairmen, if they ok it, Ken
Becker and I will further explore. Similarly, I am also being contacted to sponsor events or advertise in
targeted print editions. For example; the Green and Healthy Living Expo being held on April 14
looking for sponsors, and Morning Star Business Report (a down state business magazine) is having a GO
GREEN edition. At this point I am advising that we have not budgeted money for programs, marketing or