From: ‘Education in Emergencies Toolkit’, Save the Children. Available at
Children learn better when they are participants in the process. In emergencies,
active learning offers a way to engage students in structured activities. It also helps
all children affected to become involved in and take greater responsibility for their
own learning.
Participants: 25 primary school classroom teachers
Time frame: Two days, part of in-service training series
Location: Primary school classroom
Materials: Flip chart, markers, notebooks, pens, blank paper, coloured pencils
Objective: Teachers create and practise using child-centred learning activities in
Day One
9:00 INTRODUCTIONS, including workshop purpose and schedule
What’s in a name? (15 mins) Ask each teacher to share the story behind their name
(why it was chosen, who chose it, if it has special meaning, etc). Remind participants
that names are closely linked with identity, and the Convention of Rights of the Child
(CRC) even ensures that children are entitled to a name.
Teachers’ drawing (20 mins) Each teacher draws a picture of a time they remember
learning as a child. Explain that learning is not only in school and that they can
choose a time in or out of the classroom. Once finished, participants can take five
minutes to share with their neighbour.
Active learning theory (10 mins) Explain theory behind active learning. Traditional
learning teaches children what to believe and tries to make them understand, but
rarely involves action. Active learning begins with children’s action, asks them to
develop their own understanding, and supports them in shaping their beliefs. Ask
participants to look again at their drawing. Does anyone’s drawing represent active
rather than passive learning?
Poets, Artists, Actors and Singers (45 mins)
Participants now have an opportunity to be famous. All those who want to be poets
should form a group, likewise with artists, actors and singers. NB: size does not
matter, as groups are based on preferences. Each considers the question ‘HOW DO