HTML Preview Weekly Preschool Newsletter page number 1.

By Dr. Neal DeChillo
Associate Provost, Academic
Affairs, and Dean of the College
of Health and Human Services
Salem State was among the
first of the then state colleges to
establish an actual on-campus
preschool that focused on
the need of its students with
children. It was considered a
fresh, new idea then and, more
than 40 years later, is now the
norm on campuses throughout
the United States.
Over the years, the preschool’s mission evolved and adapted to the
ever-changing times. Today, the preschool is open to all eligible
members of the Salem State and surrounding communities. It is
nationally accredited by the National Association for the Education
of Young Children (NAEYC); and is licensed by the Massachusetts
Department of Early Education and Care.
The preschool is a valued contributor to our academic programs.
On average, 50 graduate and undergraduate students incorporate
the preschool as part of their coursework each year. Its a win-win
all around.
So what’s down the road? There is what seems to be the
insurmountable task of replacing teacher Meg Zinn-Stasio. Meg
resigned recently to follow other pursuits. I would like to thank her
for her valued contributions over the years and wish her all the
best with her new family. While it will be a challenge to replace
Meg, I am sure Bev and Maureen find us another jewel for the little
school on the hill.
Forest Fridays page 2
100 Hats: Fall Project Work was a Hat-full of Fun page 3
Salem State Preschool Staff Attend
First Aid Training page 4
Salem State Preschool Donates Books to Local Agencies and
Overseas page 4
A History of Giving page 5
Salem State Preschool Annual Food Drive
Winter Hat and Mitten Drive page 5
Annual Civic Engagement Hall of Fame page 6
Adored Teacher Takes on New Role:
Mommy! page 6
Reggio Approach Guides another Great Year page 7
The Value of Play page 8
Thanksgiving Celebration page 9
Holiday Cheer page 9
Pride Day page 10
Department of Early Education and Care Site Visit: December
13, 2012 page 10
Cooperative Preschool for Cooperative Learning: Parent
Committees’ Contribute to the Preschool page 11
Building Connections:
The Center for Child and Youth Studies page 12
Liberia Project Student Teacher Spring 2013 page 13
The 2013 Spring Psychology Colloquium:
Howard Gardner, PhD Comes to Salem State page 14
Beautiful New space for Parent Resource Room
Draws More Participation page 14
NCCCC: An Active Year page 15
The Preschool as a Lab School:
A Community of Learners page 16-17
Graduate Assistantship Position at the Preschool page 18
Supporting Early Literacy with the Word Wall page 19
Technology in the Classroom page 20
A Look Back page 21
Our Annual WOYC Poster page 22
Incorporating Art and Nature page 23
The Class of 2013:
18 children “Moving On” to Kindergarten back page
Fall 2012/Spring
Reflections from
the Preschool

Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy. | Norman Schwarzkopf