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Free Printable Baby Shower Bingo Cards
Before the Baby Shower, print off these free baby shower bingo cards. They have names of
typical baby shower gifts. There are 20 different cards to print off, each one is a different
order (so that each guest gets a differently ordered card - otherwise everyone would win at
the same time!) Print off a different Bingo card for each guest. Buy Hershey's Kisses or little
plastic babies at a craft store for the game pieces (or M&M's, Hershey's minis, or other
candy). You will need about 15-20 game pieces for each guest.
How to play Gift Baby Shower Bingo: During the Baby Shower, Hand each guest a bingo
cards and 15-20 game pieces. Instruct the guests that as the expectant mother is opening
her gifts, they place a Hershey's Kiss or other game piece on their card if the gift is on one
of the squares of their Baby Shower Bingo card. Someone wins if they get 5 in a row, 5 in a
column, or 5 in a diagonal. Keep playing even if someone wins in the middle of opening
gifts; keep playing until all the gifts are opened. (Have multiple prizes because there will
likely be more than 1 winner).
Print off these Bingo cards on heavy cardstock. To print: go to “File”, then “Print”.
Then just cut out each Bingo card and you are ready to play!

Please think about your legacy, because you’re writing it every day. | Gary Vaynerchuck