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Media Sponsorship Proposal
Annual San Francisco Bay Area Nonprofit Boot Camp
San Mateo County Event Center
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I was so inspired by the quality and content of Nonprofit Boot Camp that I hope to bring at least ten
people with me next year! It was wonderfully organized, and my head is positively swimming with new
ideas for our nonprofit. The connections and contacts I made were invaluable as well. Thank you,
Craigslist Foundation, for creating such an amazing opportunity at such an affordable price. What a gift
to the world! — Kathy Chism Founder/Director, Dream One World, Inc.
Inspiring the Next Generation of Nonprofit Leaders:
Nonprofit Boot Camp
On Saturday, October 18, 2008 Craigslist Foundation will produce its fifth annual
San Francisco Bay Area Nonprofit Boot Camp, an inspiring and unique community effort planned,
produced, and promoted in partnership with over 100 organizations. Its focus is simple— to educate,
empower, and connect the next generation of nonprofit leaders and social entrepreneurs.
Nonprofit Boot Camp is already one of the most widely anticipated, well-attended and established
nonprofit programs in the San Francisco Bay Area calendar. In 2007, Boot Camp attracted a crowd of
over 2,000 emerging and established nonprofit leaders and supporters for a day of workshops, keynote
addresses, one-on-one coaching, and professional development. The program earned a 99.5% approval
rating from attendees, making it the largest nonprofit gathering in San Francisco Bay Area history for the
third year in a row.
Boot Camp attracts the most innovative nonprofit organizations, ideas, and resources. It offers sponsors
an unparalleled opportunity to gain visibility with San Francisco Bay Area nonprofits and social
entrepreneurs, and market to a select audience of community, civic, and business leaders.

Business in a combination of War and sport. | Andre Maurois