Tax Recovery and Criminal Enforcement
Task Force Executive Board Meeting
621 Capitol Mall, 2114, Sacramento, CA 95814
December 21, 2016
Open Session: 10:00 a.m.
Discussion Items
1. October 26, 2016, Minutes
2. New Executive Board Member Introductions
• Susan Ferensic, FBI
• Sir Streeter, HSI
3. New Sacramento TRaCE Deputy Attorney General Introduction
4. Election of New Executive Board Members
5. Election of TRaCE Executive Board Chairman
6. DOJ Radio Install Discussion
• Cost Associated
7. Yearly Combined Executive and Regional Board Meeting
• Agenda Review
Closed Session: Immediately follows the conclusion of Open Session
1. Case Reviews
2. Administrative
*Conference Call into the meeting: Participants can call 888-278-0296 or 214-765-0479 and
enter Participant Code: 9376459