This form must be completed by the complainant’s supervisor or by UHR when an employee
reports an incident involving a threat, act of intimidation, violence or other unacceptable behavior
being committed by another employee.
1. Complainant’s name: Job Title:
2. Complainant’s home address
3. Home phone number: Work phone number
4. Department
5. Complainant’s work location
6. Incident date: Incident time: Incident location:
7. Type of incident: (circle one): Assault, Robbery, Harassment, Disorderly Conduct, Sex
Offense, Other. (Please specify)
8. Were you injured? (circle) Yes No
If yes, please specify your injuries and the location of any treatment:
9. Did police respond to incident: Yes No
10. Which police department:
11. Police report filed: Yes No
12. Was your supervisor notified? Yes No
13. Supervisor’s name:
14. Was any action taken? (specify)
15. Alleged perpetrator: (circle one): Intruder, Customer, Patient, Resident, Client, Visitor,
Student, Co-Worker, Former Employee, Supervisor, Family/Friend, Other, (specify):
16. Alleged perpetrator – Name/address/age (if known):