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ment with ECC, your child’s
continued enrollment in the
program will be in jeopardy.
Please help us by arriving
before 6 pm to pick up and
having back up plans for an
When your child is
absent ….
Thank you for notifying the
center whenever your child
will be absent. This ensures
your child's safety.
January Full Days:
January 4th: Brooks at Cali
and Windsor Creek at Mattie
January 4th & 5th: RL
Stevens & Wright at JX
January 18th: Wright, JX
Wilson & RL Stevens will be
at the RL Stevens center.
Mark West, San Miguel and
Riebli will be at the San Mi-
guel center.
Brooks, Cali, Windsor Creek
and Mattie Washburn will be
at the Windsor Creek center.
Winter Break Charges
The charges for extra days
during winter break will ap-
pear on your February state-
Late Pick Ups
All our centers close prompt-
ly at 6pm and our staff have
other obligations to get to.
Our Late Pick Up Policy
states that if you arrive after
6pm, there is a Late Pick Up
fee of $15 for the first five
minutes and $1 for each mi-
nute after. If you are late
more than three(3) times
during your family’s enroll-
Important Reminders!
January 2016
Extended Child Care
Keep up with us on
ECC is grateful for
our partnership with
the Redwood Empire
Food Bank. In 2014-
ECC acquired
28,442 pounds of
food including
16,856 pounds of
fresh produce
Savings for ECC
exceeded $45,000
There is no better
time than the New
Year to take a mo-
ment to reflect, ap-
preciate and enjoy
the intangible gifts
we receive from the
families in our pro-
gram - valued rela-
tionships, continued
support and loyalty.
We look forward to
2016 with anticipa-
tion and send you
our heartfelt wishes
for Hope, Joy and
Prosperity during
Extended Child Care understands that not all of our families are in need of
childcare for the non-school days, such as, winter break, spring break,
teacher in-service days, Veterans Day, etc. We are providing a special
monthly rate for those families.
Recently, many of our families have decided on the option of school days
only, however they are requesting care for the non-school days. We are un-
able to guarantee care on the non-school days if you have chosen the option
of school days only.
Please understand that if you do select the option of the school days only
tuition, that schedule is what you will be committed to for the remainder of
the school year. There will be no option to switch back and forth between
the school days only tuition rate and school days which include the full
days. Thank you for understanding.
School Days Only Schedule

To win without risk is to triumph without glory. | Pierre Corneille