Sample Daily Classroom Schedule
Toddler (Dubi/Dubonim) Schedule
9:00 –9:10 Arrival
9:00 –10:15 Choice time activities; may include:
Sand/water table
Play dough
Small manipulatives: puzzles, stacking pegs, blocks
Dramatic play area: housekeeping, dress-up, puppets, musical instruments
Reading/quiet corner
Art exploration: painting, drawing, gluing, cutting
Scientific discovery: cooking, gardening
Gross motor activities: rocking boat, balls
10:15–10:25 Clean-up
10:25–10:35 Circle time: singing, dancing, storytelling, reading, games, finger plays
10:35–10:45 Hand washing and snack
10:45–11:15 Outdoor play: playground, gross motor play, nature, obstacle course, balls
11:15–11:25 Bathroom and hand washing
11:25–11:40 Lunch
11:40–noon Pack up lunch, quiet time, finish diapering, closing song or story. Say good-bye.
Diapering and toileting occur at scheduled times, as well as on as needed basis. The school will
work with the parents during the toilet training process.