Folsom Cordova Unified School District
1965 Birkmont Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742
REVISED ****JULY 12, 2013*****
TO: All Classified Employees Working Less Than 12 Months
FROM: Karen Knight, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
SUBJECT: Notification of Work Assignments for the 2013-14 School Year
*SPECIAL NOTE: At its May 2, 2013 meeting the Board approved two non-
student staff development days (10-11-2013 and 1-17-2014).
It has been determined that January 17, 2014 will be a non-work day for less
than 12 month employees. This replaces the floater day for less than 12 month
employees per CSEA contract section 10-J-1.
October 11, 2013 will be work day for all employees, with appropriate training
sessions planned.
10-11-2013 and 1-17-2014 are both work days for 12 month employees.
All of the following assignments receive the following breaks: October 14, November
25, November 26, December 23 through January 3, and April 14 through April 21.
Work Assign Work Days Holidays* Start Date End Date
11-month employee 211 12 07/22/2013 06/19/2014
10 ¾ - month employee 206 12 07/23/2013 06/13/2014
10 ½ - month employee 201 12 07/30/2013 06/13/2014
10 ¼ - month employee 196 12 08/06/2013 06/13/2014
10- month employee 191 12 08/06/2013 06/06/2014
9 ¾ - month employee 186 12 08/06/2013 05/30/2014
9 ½ - month employee 181 12 08/12/2013 05/29/2014
9-month employee 171 12 08/21/2013 05/23/2014
*Paid Holidays include: Sept 2, Nov 11, Nov 27-29, Dec 24-25, Jan 1, Jan 20, Feb
10, Feb 17, and May 26. Employees will be paid for annual leave days as provided
for in Article XII, F.2 of the CSEA contract.
January 17, 2014 is a paid non-work day
for less than 12 month employees (12 month employees have their paid non-work
day between December 25 and January 1 each year).
ALL OTHERS: Schedule will vary at individual sites
NOTE: Work assignments for employees working in specially funded
programs may vary in accordance with the needs of the program.