Allie Robbins
Curriculum Vitae
City University of New York School of Law, J.D., May 2009
The George Washington University
B.A. International Affairs, May 2004, magna cum laude
Concentrations: International Development, Global Public Health, International
Educational/Training Experience
CUNY School of Law, Long Island City, NY June 2012-present
Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs: Work with the Associate Academic Dean and
Academic Affairs Office staff to coordinate and enhance academic services. Assist in
coordinating bar exam support programs.
CUNY School of Law, Long Island City, NY June 2012-June 2013
Director of Student Affairs/Director of Bar Exam Support Programs: Coordinated bar
exam support programs, including implementation of a new Summer Mentor Program
with 15 mentors and over 100 students in the summer of 2012. Additionally, coordinated
all student organization activities, including organization registration and student
government elections, and oversaw the transition of bar support and student activities to
the Long Island City building. Coordinated Professional Development Time. Worked
with the Dean of Students to handle student issues such as medical withdrawals,
disciplinary matters, and general student concerns.
CUNY School of Law, Flushing, NY January 2010-June
Adjunct Professor: Co-coordinated bar exam support programs, including data collection
following the release of exam results, interfacing with commercial bar corporations,
working with professors to incorporate increased bar exam-type questions into their
courses, and individualized support for students both the February and July bar exams.
Additionally, co-taught Applied Legal Analysis, a bar skills course for 125 third year
students, which consisted of substantive and skill-based lectures, coordinating
presentations by bar exam experts, and providing feedback on essay and multiple-choice
questions each week. I also served as an adjunct professor for the Irene Diamond
Professional Skills Center assisting first-year students and providing individualized
feedback on practice essay exams.
New York Law School, Manhattan, NY. January 2012-May 2012
Adjunct Professor: Served as a grader for the Principles of Legal Analysis Class, an
academic support class for underperforming first year students. Provided detailed
individualized feedback to students on essays, multiple-choice questions, and issue
spotting exercises.