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1022 Colina Drive
Villa Hills, KY 41017
Sue Hodges Moore
Administrative Experience:
2014-present, Senior Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness, Northern Kentucky University
2005-2014, Vice President for Planning, Policy and Budget, Northern Kentucky University
1994-2005, Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education, Frankfort, KY
Executive Vice President, 20012005
Interim President, June 2002April 2003
Vice President for Academic Affairs, 1998-2001
Deputy Executive Director for Academic Programs, Planning and Accountability, 1996-98
Director of Finance, 1994-1996
1988-1991, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC
Director of Planning and Institutional Research
1983-1988, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY
Assistant Director for Planning and Institutional Research
Assistant Director for Planning
Institutional Planning Officer
1977-1983, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY
Fiscal/Policy Advisor, Office of the President
Grants and Contracts Fiscal Officer, Office of Accounting/Budgetary Control
Education: Doctor of Education, University of Louisville, 1994
Master of Business Administration, Xavier University, 1980
Bachelor of Science, Accounting, Northern Kentucky University, 1978
Professional and Community Service:
National Governors Association, Center for Best Practices’ Efficiency and Effectiveness Metrics
Working Group, member (2010-11)
Raising the Bar for Higher Education in Time of Fiscal Constraints, jointly sponsored meeting of
the Miller Center of Public Affairs, Association of Governor Boards of Universities and Colleges,
National Conference of State Legislatures, and National Governors Association, participant
(invitation only) (2010)
Measuring Up, National Advisory Group, The National Report Card on Higher Education,
member (2000-10)
Leadership Kentucky, member of the 2005 class
State Higher Education Executive Officers, member until 2005
Consulting to the New Mexico Blue Ribbon Task Force for Higher Education Funding on the
linkage of planning, accountability, and funding policies
K-12 Total Quality Management Forum for principals and superintendents in the Ohio Valley
Educational Cooperative, facilitator (1992-93)
Pitt County, North Carolina Focus 2007 strategic planning process, co-coordinator, various
Chamber of Commerce task forces, member (1989-91)
Joint planning task force for Louisville and Jefferson County governments, member (1985)
Governor Task Force on the Economic Status of Kentucky’s Women, member (2002)
St. Matthews Elementary School Site-Based Decision-Making Council, parent member (2002-04);
Budget Committee, member (2002-present)
Various presentations and progress reports on Kentucky postsecondary education’s public
agenda and accountability system to state policy leaders and organizations and on NKU’s
strategic agenda and business plans

To succeed… You need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you. | Tony Dorsett