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Notice of marriage
Reception date File number • KLE 23.01.01G01
To be submitted to the local authority of the district where one of
the parties lives
To be completed by the local authority
Completion of the form
If you and your fiancé want to get married, both of you must
complete this form. Also you must submit/present the docu-
ments mentioned in this form. Remember to sign the form
and to specify the date.
The local authority needs the information in the form and
the documents enclosed to examine whether you fulfil the
requirements for marrying each other. Insufficient or wrong
information may lead to a postponement of the marriage
case and to you not being married at the time planned.
If changes to the information you have given to the local
authority occur before the marriage, you must contact the
local authority immediately.
Where to submit the form?
The form is to be submitted/sent to the local authority of the
district where you live. If you live in two different districts,
you are free to choose which of the two is to process your
If you do not reside in Denmark, submit/send the form to
the local authority where one of you are staying (the district
in which you are to be married). At the same time, please
pay a fee of DKK 500 for the local authority’s processing of
your case.
Certificate of marital status
If the marriage is not to be conducted by your own local aut-
hority, but by another local authority, by the Danish National
Evangelical Lutheran Church or by a recognised or appro-
ved religious organisation, your local authority will issue a
certificate of material status to you stating that you fulfil the
marriage requirements. Submit the certificate of marital sta-
tus to the authority to conduct the marriage. The certificate
of marital status must be less than four months old before
the marriage.
Documentation for name and date of birth
The local authority must have documentation for your na-
mes and dates of birth.
If you are living in Denmark (or in Greenland), the infor-
mation regarding your names and dates of birth will most
likely appear from the Danish Civil Register. Normally, the
local authority will, therefore, not need a copy of your birth
or name certificate, etc. If the local authority is in doubt
about the information in the Danish Civil Register, the local
authority may, however, ask you to submit/send your certi-
ficates, etc.
Names which differ or do not appear from the Danish Civil
Register or your birth or name certificates, must be docu-
mented in other ways (e.g. marriage certificate, civil part-
nership certificate or change of name certificate.)
If you are living abroad (or in the Faroe Islands) and are
not registered in the Danish Civil Register, name and date
of birth must be documented, e.g. by presenting your pass-
Change of name on your wedding day
If you want to change your names on your wedding day,
you must complete the “Navneændring på bryllupsdagen”
(Change of Name on your Wedding Day) form to be found
on You can contact the parish
of your residence if you have any questions as to changing
your name. If you were born in South Jutland, you must,
however, contact the district in which you were born.
People who are not domiciled in Denmark (i.e. do not have
a permanent connection to Denmark), cannot have their
name changed in Denmark in connection with the marriage.
Danish citizens who are domiciled in a country which do not
conduct name changes for foreign citizens may, however,
have their name changed on their wedding day.
Legal residence in Denmark
In order to marry in Denmark, both of you must be “legal re-
sidents” in Denmark. Being a “legal resident” can be based
on, e.g.:
• Danish citizenship
Citizenship in one of the Nordic countries
Citizenship in an EU country or in Switzerland
Citizenship in a visa-free country
• Certificate of residence or tourist visa issued in Denmark
or in another Schengen country
As documentation for being a “legal resident” in Denmark in
terms of the Danish Act on the Formation and Dissolution of
Marriage, the following may be presented:
• Passport
Visa, including tourist visa
Residence permit or EU/EEA residence certificate from
Residence permit from another Schengen country
Other valid documentation for Nordic citizenship or citi-
zenship in an EU country
Documentation for the time of entry into Denmark, e.g.
entry stamp
Guidance notes
Prepared by KL
Danish version approved by the National Social Appeals Board, Division of Family Affairs
EG Kommuneinformation A/S
Page 1 of 5
VI 005 (06/2012)

Speak the truth, but leave immediately after. | Unknown