HTML Preview Montessori Kindergarten Progress Report page number 1.

Student_________________________________________ DOB_______________
Knows simple grouping of basic functions with materials: Addition, Subtraction,
Multiplication, Division
Understands concept of teen number
Knows odd and even numbers
Writes numbers with correct formation 1-100
Introduced to skip counting by 2’s, 5’s & 10’s
Understands place value concepts with materials to thousands with golden beads
Can Add and Subtract statically with golden beads
Introduced to money
Can tell time to the hour
Knows ordinal numbers (first, second, etc.)
Understands that a fraction is smaller than a whole
Recognizes ½, 1/3, ¼… with materials
Introduced to measurement
Can create a simple graph and read a simple graph
Introduced to the Geometric cabinet
Introduced to names of Geometric solids
Introduced to constructive triangles
Introduced to binomial and trinomial cubes
Can compose a sentence with moveable alphabet, and end sentence with correct
punctuation (period, question mark, etc.)
Knows beginning sounds, short vowels and long vowels
Writes letters, words and sentences on the lines of handwriting paper with correct
Can read a book on reading level independently
Can Write 2 sentences about a personal experience
Familiar with nouns, adjectives, articles (noun family), verbs and prepositions
Can read and answer simple comprehension questions about reading material
Can begin to understand spelling (spells words with writing and/or movable
alphabet writing down words phonetically in writing
Child is able to actively participate in group discussions regarding character
development, setting and plot
Child is able to read great book stories with assistance
Child can verbally describe the events of a story in order
Hilltop Montessori School ~ Progress Report Kindergarten
Teacher: Ms. Cindi / Ms. Marcia / Ms. Shellie / Ms. Mary Jo
School Year____________
I - Introduced DS - Developing Skills SP - Steady Progress M - Mastered

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