Agreement between Her Majesty in Right of Newfoundland and Labrador, as represented by
the Minister responsible for ________________________________________ (Department) and
___________________________(Name of employee).
The above-named employee has been offered and has accepted a position with the Department
of __________________ of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. The parties hereby
agree that the following provisions shall apply in respect of the relocation expenses incurred by
the employee.
1. The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador agrees to reimburse the approved
relocation expenses incurred by the employee in accordance with the Relocation Policy
which the employee acknowledges to have examined, and in accordance with the
Relocation Estimates Form attached.
2. Permanent employees undertake to render service in the employment of the
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador for a continuous period of not less than
two years from the date on which he/she reports for duty at whatever location the
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador may decide and to follow all Government
rules, regulations and policies.
3. Temporary, seasonal or contractual employees who complete their employment contract
in accordance with its terms are not required to repay relocation expenses even if their
period of service is less than two years. Temporary, seasonal or contractual employees
who render service for more than two years are not required to repay Government for
relocation expenses received.
4. The employee agrees that, in the event of the failure to complete the required continuous
period of service, the employee shall repay such part of the relocation expenses that are
proportionate to the period by which the employee’s continuous service was less than a
period of two years for permanent employees and, subject to paragraph 3, less than the
term of the employment contract, for temporary, seasonal or contractual employees.
5. The employee agrees to furnish receipts or other satisfactory proof of payment of any
relocation expenses which the employee initially paid in full.
Dated at this day of , 20 .
Witness Employee
Witness Deputy Minister