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Please call to confi rm your order was received.
Your Name:
Phone: e-mail:
Time of Pick-up: Today’s Date:
It is the sole and exclusive responsibility of customers ordering and consuming food, to provide Il Bacio with information regarding customer food allergies,
any process chemical intolerance, dairy product intolerance or any medical condition which could possibly result from consuming or contacting food products
or processes available at Il Bacio. By placing this order you release Il Bacio owners, agents and associates from any and all liability.
Let Il Bacio help you with your pick-up order by using this convenitent Fax Form.
Please allow 30 minutes for pick-up orders. Be sure to call to confi rm your order!
Food Item As Listed On Menu Size Quantity Special Requests
Il Bacio
Italian Grill & Pizza
3622 Rogers Road, Wake Forest, NC 27587
Fax Line 919.556-7838 • Confi rm 919.556-7800

Change is not a threat, it’s an opportunity. Survival is not the goal, transformative success is. | Seth Godin