For Supervisory and Non-Supervisory Staff
Please follow these instructions carefully to complete the appraisal of your employee’s
performance during the last performance period.
Give a copy of PART II, Employee Pre-Interview Worksheet
, to your employee and instruct
him/her to complete it in preparation of his/her annual performance review. Briefly explain the
form to ensure that the employee understands what is expected and answer any questions. Set
a date for the employee to return the completed worksheet to you for your review before the
performance appraisal meeting, and then schedule the meeting.
Complete PART III, Performance, Behavioral Traits and Supervisory Factors.
This section contains five performance factors, seven behavioral traits, and six supervisory
factors that are important in the performance of the employee’s job. All employees are to be
rated on Performance Factors and Behavioral Traits; the Supervisory Factors apply only to
employees with supervisory responsibilities.
The supervisor/rater should indicate the employee’s
performance by checking the box
next to the appropriate level of performance. NOTE: A rating of
Unacceptable (1) or Needs Improvement (2) on any item requires explanatory comments.
1 = UNACCEPTABLE - Consistently fails to meet job requirements; performance clearly below minimum
requirements. Immediate improvement required to maintain employment.
2 =
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT – Occasionally fails to meet job requirements; performance must improve to
meet expectations of position.
3 =
MEETS EXPECTATIONS – Able to perform 100% of job duties satisfactorily. Normal guidance and
supervision are required.
4 =
EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS – Frequently exceeds job requirements; all planned objectives were
achieved above the established standards and accomplishments were made in unexpected areas
as well.
5 =
SUPERIOR – Consistently exceeds job requirements; this is the highest level of performance that
can be attained.
All comments should be included in Part IV, “Overall Performance Evaluation Narrative.”
“overall performance” evaluation should reflect the employee’s total performance, including the
performance factors as related to the employee’s responsibilities and duties as set forth in the job
description, behavioral traits and supervisory factors, if applicable.
Part V, “Overall Performance Score” should
then be completed by following the instructions in
that section.
Part VI, “For the Employee”
is an opportunity for the employee to make any comments
regarding the appraisal or the appraisal process.
1. Return the original form to CCLA Human Resources
1531 James M. Wood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90015
2. Maintain one copy for your departmental records.
3. Provide one copy to the employee
The following rating scale guide is being provided to assist the supervisor/rater in assigning the most
appropriate measurement of the employee’s performance factors, behavioral traits and supervisory factors.
NOTE TO THE RATER: After completing the form, and before forwarding it to the next level, please be sure to attach the
“Performance Appraisal Cover Sheet” sheet provided to you from Human Resources which contains the name and other
pertinent information for each of your employees.