For Official Use Only
CDIC Approval Letter Grant Agreement 1 of 6
Your reference no: <reference number>
<title> <first name> <last name>
<organisation name>
<organisation postal address 1>
<organisation postal address 2>
<organisation postal address 3>
Level 13, 26 Franklin Street
PO Box 9839
p: 13 28 46
e: CDIC@industry.gov.au
w: www.business.gov.au
ABN: 74 599 608 295
Dear <title> <first name> < last name>
Your application has been successful
As outlined in your application under the <program name> and program guidelines, on receipt of
this letter you are a party to a grant agreement (Agreement). You must contact us immediately if
your circumstances have changed and you are no longer able to carry out your project.
The Agreement
This Agreement is a binding agreement between <organisation name> ABN <organisation ABN>
(Grantee /you) and the Commonwealth of Australia as represented by the Department of Industry,
Innovation and Science (Commonwealth /we).
The Agreement includes:
this letter
the Grant schedule (attachment A)
the Grant terms and conditions (attachment B)
your application
the program guidelines applicable on the date you submitted your application..
We may use information contained in this agreement for public reporting purposes, including the
grantee name and grant amount.
What you must do
You must undertake the project in line with this Agreement.
You must provide a final report, including a statement that you spent the Grant in accordance with
this Agreement, by the due date. You can find a sample report template at Attachment C. We will
also send you the report template to complete after you finish your project.
What we will do
Within 28 days of receipt of a satisfactory final project report, we will pay the Grant amount
specified for reimbursement in that report into the bank account you nominated in your application.
The Grant amount specified in a satisfactory final project report may not exceed the Maximum
Grant amount specified in attachment A.