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IT Transformation Program Status Report
UC Santa Cruz Information Technology Services
University of California, Santa Cruz
IT Transformation Program, Phase 3
For period: June 2006
Submitted by: Ann Berry-Kline
Distribution: Larry Merkley, SMT, DLs, ITTP PMs
Deliverables and Overall Status
Current Status
Change Management Board, Phase 1
No status
Staff Transition
There is a lot of work to be completed by 9/1. The milestone “Staff Transition Plans complete” was not made as
scheduled on 7/1. The 3-signed TSAs (was SLAs) by 7/15 are in serious jeopardy of being missed.
Service Catalog
We have published the service pages for CruzMail, CruzTime, and CruzNet. The deliverable for the catalog
assessment will be moved into a separate effort later this year. This leaves the catalog editing/change process as
the final deliverable before this project can be closed.
Server / Storage Consolidation
Revised schedule to pull in VM release. Storage portion is second priority until VM recommendations are
Application Solutions
A project charter needs to be completed, vetted and approved by SMT. Definition of the project has not made
progress this month.
Desktop Support, Phase 1
Weekly meetings have been scheduled with the DLs to review project materials and deliverables. Created a web
site for general project information and draft deliverables. Enabled a web discussion
board to collect input on deliverables. Project risk remains red due to many dependencies with other efforts.
Instructional Technology Review, Phase 2
Creating final report. Close out project on 7/7.
Information Worker Rate Model, Phase 1
The scope of this project is currently under evaluation by Larry and Meredith.
Support Center Consolidation, Phase 3
The scope of this project is currently under evaluation.
Accomplishments Since Last Report:
The ITTP Project Managers have created a project dependency diagram for projects inside and outside ITTP.
ITTP Risk Log was produced by the ITTP PMs and reviewed by SMT.
Upcoming / Next Steps:
Complete the Instructional Technology Review, Phase 2 project.
Work on proposal for Support Center Consolidation, Phase 3.
Next steps for Information Worker Rate Model need to be vetted.
Complete Phase 1 of Storage and Server Consolidation project.
Start closure items for Service Catalog.
SMT approval of Staff Transition Project Charter.
Collaboration Needs:
Document sharing and storage for public and team use for projects.
Nested projects, which is an upcoming feature in Merlin.
Key Issues and Resolutions
The Staff Transition Project does not have an approved plan for how to proceed.
o 4/30 – The Senior Managers and Divisional Liaisons continue to meet to gather the data they need in order to come up with a plan
for how to transition staff based on services provided. Some milestones are in place however an overall plan does not exist. The

Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly and get on with improving your other innovations. | Steve Jobs