HTML Preview Prudential Board Retreat Agenda page number 1.

Why I Ran? (approximately 10 minutes)
Each member of the Prudential Board should spend 1-2 minutes sharing with the other Prudential
Board members their reason for running for their new position and what he wants to accomplish. It
is important for every member of the Prudential Board to understand the motivations and desires of
every other member of the Board.
For follow-up Prudential Board retreats, this portion can be eliminated.
Expectations (approximately 30 minutes)
Expectations for the Prudential Board should be established. Examples could include meeting
attendance, meeting preparation, condentiality, role modeling, event attendance, etc.
This portion can be changed to reect a review of expectations and to ensure that all members of
the Prudential Board and the Board as a whole are meeting the established expectations. Additional
expectations may also be set.
Developing End Statements (approximately 90 minutes)
What are End Statements?
End Statements are not goals. Goals lead to an end.
End Statements designate the results, those who will benet, and the worth of the ends.
Ends should be attainable but challenging. An example of an End would be: The Sigma Delta Chapter
will create a culture of year-round recruitment.
An example of goals to achieve that End could include:
Chapter will hold at least one recruitment event a month during the academic year.
Chapter will review the Names list every chapter meeting during the report of the Recruitment
Chapter will have at least three new member classes an academic year.
Recruitment teams will meet at least bi-weekly during the academic year.
The Prudential Board should develop 3-5 End Statements, in priority order. End Statement
#1 would be the top priority of the ve End Statements. Once developed, the End Statements
should be prominently posted in the chapter house, reviewed at all Prudential Board and Chapter
meetings, etc.
The Prudential Board should hold at least one retreat per academic term. Many successful chapters hold a
Prudential Board retreat within one month of being installed; at the conclusion of the spring term/early summer;
and at the beginning of the fall term. A sample agenda for a Prudential Board retreat has been provided.
It is recommended that the Prudential Board retreat occur in an area that will be free from distractions, such
as reserving a room in the Student Union or holding the retreat off-campus at the home of the Grand Chapter
Advisor or a Chapter Council member. Holding the retreat in a member’s apartment/ house or the chapter facility
tends to invite distractions. The Prudential Board should invite the GCA to at least part of the retreat and may
want to ask the GCA to help facilitate the retreat.

Fire the committee. No great website in history has been conceived of by more than three people. Not one. This is a deal breaker. | Seth Godin