HTML Preview Request For Transfer Letter page number 1.

Date :
Yes Bank Ltd
Sub: LC No. _________ for issued by __________ Bank. Your reference no._______
Dear Sir,
With reference to the above letter of credit, we request you to kindly transfer the same to the
following beneficiary (ies)
Name & Address of the Beneficiary (ies) Value
We request you to transfer the said letter of credit without any engagement on your part. In
this regard, please follow the below given instructions.
A. Advise of Amendments (Tick the relevant one – Mandatory)
We hereby authorize you to advise all the subsequent amendments directly to the second
beneficiary (ies) without any intimation to us.
We request you not to advise the amendments to the second beneficiary (ies) directly and
we retain our right to refuse advise of amendments
B. Charges (Tick the relevant one - Mandatory)
Please debit out account number ______ held with _____ branch for all the charges
towards transfer of this LC
Please find enclosed draft/PO for Rs ____/- drawn on _______ towards transfer of this LC
All the charges for transfer of this LC are to the account of the applicant as per the LC
terms. Please claim the same from the LC issuing bank
C. Changes/Modifications in the Text (Tick the relevant one – Mandatory)
Please transfer the LC as is without any modifications in value or text
Please modify/curtail the following LC conditions (mention details wherever reqd.)
Changes Required in
a. Amount
b. Last Date. of Shipment.
c. Presentation Period

Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether. | Unknown