HTML Preview Youth Conference Registration Form page number 1.

Doyouhaveanyspecialrequirements?(PleaseCheck)______Visual _____Mobility _____Hearing
1. You represent the Catholic Church. You are expected to project an image of Christian consideration, sensitivity and respect for all people and property.
2. There are other guests staying at the resort not connected with the Youth Conference. You are asked to respect their right to privacy, peace and quiet, especially
in the evening. Shouting, loud talking or loud music will not be permitted inside or outside the villas or in the stairwells.
3. YOUTH PARTICIPANTS are expected to remain on hotel grounds for the duration of the conference. In the unlikely event that the need arises to leave the
conference, consent of your parish youth minister and the director for the Office of Youth Ministry is necessary.
4. All resort property must be respected. Youth participants and adult chaperones will be financially responsible for any damages. Do not stand on chairs or
tables. Do not throw any objects from the balconies.
5. All participants are required to attend and participate in all scheduled activities, general sessions, and workshops. Name tags must be worn around the neck
at all times and visible for all to see.
6. No unregistered youth are permitted to attend any part of the Conference without the prior approval of the director for the Office of Youth Ministry.
7. Any participant at the conference caught in possession of alcoholic beverages, drinking alcoholic beverages, or in the possession of any illegal substances,
including tobacco products, will be brought to the director of the Office of Youth Ministry and will be dismissed from the Conference and sent home. His/her
parish youth group may also be sent home.
8. Youth are not permitted to possess or use cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco or other tobacco products.
9. Air horns, firearms, weapons or fire works of any kind are not permitted.
10. Socializing is limited to the lobby and other designated conference areas during the day, the dance, and prior to curfew. No visiting or socializing is allowed in
rooms by members of the opposite sex at any time.
11. All participants are expected to dress appropriately for all events of the Conference. Appropriate dress includes the following: shirts for both guys and girls
should have sleeves and be long enough to be tucked into one’s pants, no t-shirts with inappropriate slogans/advertisements, no short shorts, pants and shorts
will be worn pulled up, at the waist, no undergarments visible, no sleeveless or backless dresses, and bathing suits will only be allowed at designated swimming
times. No two piece bathing suits are permitted. All bathing suits should be covered by a dark t-shirt. The dress code applies to all Conference activities.
12. The beach and balconies are off limits from sunset to sunrise for everyone.
13. All participants must be in their own rooms by curfew (12:00 a.m.) each night. If necessary, parish youth ministers may check their youth participants’ rooms
by first knocking, then entering.
14. All youth participants are expected to obey all youth ministers, chaperones and volunteers for the duration of the Conference.
15. No cell phone use during conference activities with the exception of picture taking.
16. If a participant is dismissed from Conference, the money paid for the event is forfeited.
I have read and understand the above rules and I agree to abide by them during the Conference. I am aware that if I fail to do so, I can be dismissed from the
Conference at my expense.
Youth Participant’s Name (Please Print):
Youth Participant’s Signature:
Parent’s Signature:
Parish Youth Minister’s Signature:
A signed copy of the Parent/Guardian Consent and Emergency Medical Release Form must be attached to the registration form.

Please think about your legacy, because you’re writing it every day. | Gary Vaynerchuck