Notes from the Director’s Desk
The Bennett Family Center
Happy March Everyone!
We are looking for parents to participate on our Positive Behavior Interventions and
Supports Committee. One teacher from each classroom participates on this commit-
tee, monthly, to discuss overall center-wide expectations of behavior. Our institu-
tion of the "STOP - Are you within an arm's length of an adult?" signs have seriously
curtailed children running away from their parents and into the parking lot. I have
even heard of it helping a family when they go to the mall! So if you are available for
meetings on the second Wednesday of the month, from 2-3:30, please volunteer and
join us.
Results of our security meeting with Risk Management will be on-going. Our first
meeting was to go over the original review of our building to see what has been ac-
complished and then look for new strategies we will add to our plan. The staff will
receive professional development on what is called the "5 Outs." This workshop
demonstrates 5 strategies that adults can take when they feel there is a threat to
the safety of the children or the building. These are different from a fire drill,
tornado drill or our intruder event. This will give some peace of mind to everyone in
thinking through a seriously dangerous event. We will also participate in what are
called "Table Top Discussions." These are possible scenarios that will be presented
to the staff, reviewed together as a group, and worked on to resolution. If you have
a scenario that you have wondered about, feel free to share that with us either
through email or in our Suggestion Box at the front desk. Speaking of which...we
would love to see more suggestions in the Suggestion Box!
- Wendy J. Whitesell, Director
Kindergarten Enrollment Still Open!
Spots remain available in the Bennett Family Center
kindergarten class for the 2013-2014 school year.
Our art-centric kindergarten program focuses on
developing creativity and appreciation for the arts,
in addition to the core competencies needed for
success in elementary school. Please speak to Gail to
schedule a tour or reserve a spot!
Friendly Reminders
- The center will be closed
from March 4-8 during
Penn State’s Spring Break.
- As we transition to spring,
children will spend more
time outside. Please be sure
that your child’s outdoor
gear fits and is appropriate
for the weather.
- The PTO is looking for a
new president. If you are
interested in the position
or joining the PTO, contact
Amanda Gallo!