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1986–1998 U.S. Air Force Shaw, SC
Purchasing and Maintenance Manager
Managed a Multimillion dollar budget.
Performed daily management of computer network.
Conducted training on equipment and software utilization.
Managed vehicle reliability program to ensure fleet readi
Established vehicle-tracking program to ensure preventive maintenance tracking
Coordinated drivers training programs to ensure that proper training was completed prior to operati
Performed security assessment of all facilities
with in the unit.
Maintained a fleet of vehicles at a rate of 98% reliability.
Coordinated maintenance vehicles in support of Presidential visit.
Designed and incorporated a tracking program to ensure proper maintenance of vehicles.
Established training requirements for vehicle operators
Managed security program for 150 people in the squa
Coordinated background checks on employees.
1994–1996 Dallas Baptist University Dallas, TX
A.A. Business Administration.
B.S. Bachelor Science Occupational Education
Minor in Technical Management
Tools: MS Word, MS Access, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, Outlook Express, Lotus
Notes, Paint Shop Pro , Coral Draw.
Data base: Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access.
Web Servers: IBM Websphere, Oracle Internet app. Server, OS / NOS.

To the degree we’re not living our dreams; our comfort zone has more control of us than we have over ourselves. | Peter McWilliams