Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, North Carolina State University
The Undergraduate Certificate in Agricultural Business Management (ABM) is offered to any
student enrolled as a non-degree-studies (NDS) student at North Carolina State University and that
is currently enrolled in an Associate Degree or 4-year degree program, or that has already received
an Associate Degree. This certificate provides students an opportunity to learn basic business and
economic principles that are useful in careers in agricultural and related industries.
Applicants currently enrolled in
an Associate or 4-year degree program at another university may apply to and be approved to
enroll into the Undergraduate Certificate in Agricultural Business Management Program. Proof of
current enrollment in, an Associate Degree or B.S. or B.A. Degree program, or receipt of an
Associate Degree, is required, by providing an official copy of applicant’s transcript from the degree
conferring institution, before the application can be reviewed. Prior to enrollment in any ARE
Distance Education courses towards this certificate, applicants must first submit the required
transcript and the application for the Undergraduate Certificate in Agricultural Business
Management to: ARE Distance Education Program, Department of Agricultural and Resource
Economics, 3304 Nelson Hall, Campus Box 8109, Raleigh, N.C. 27695. This application must be
approved prior to the start of program course work. Students are encouraged to ask questions and
verify that they meet all program requirements prior to submitting the application.
COMPLETION REQUIREMENTS: Completion of 15 credit hours from the list of required and elective
courses with a grade of C- or higher received for each course and an overall GPA of 2.0 or higher must be
achieved upon completion of the required total 15 credit hours. None of the required 15 credit hours may be
taken for S/U or “credit only.” All courses must be 601 sections taken through distance education unless
special approval is granted for completion of an on-campus section to allow the student to successfully
complete the course sequence for receipt of the Undergraduate ABM Certificate. No transfer credits from
other institutions to fulfill certificate course requirements are allowed. Four (4) years will be allowed for
completion of all courses. The time limit starts with enrollment in the first course. Students will be allowed to
defer no more than two semesters after acceptance into the program. Before the certificate may be awarded,
proof of receipt of Associate Degree or B.S. or B.A. Degree is required, by providing an updated, official copy
of applicant’s transcript from the degree conferring institution. This requirement must be fulfilled in addition to
other certificate program requirements.
Required Course to be taken via distance education (section 601)
(3 credit hours):
ARE 201 – Introduction to Agricultural and Resource Economics* (C- minus or higher)
*ARE 201-601 must be successfully completed before enrollment in any Elective courses.
Elective Courses to be taken via distance education (section 601)
(12 credit hours):
All courses provide 3 credit hours each.
Only one course can be selected from each numbered group.
1) ARE 303 - Farm Business Management – OR – ARE 304 - Agribusiness Management
2) ARE 306 - Agricultural Law – OR – ARE 309 - Environmental Law and Economic Policy
3) ARE 311 - Agricultural Markets – OR – ARE 312 - Agribusiness Marketing
4) ARE 215 - Small Business Accounting
5) ARE 323 - Agribusiness Finance
6) ARE 332 - Human Resource Management for Agribusiness
7) ARE 345 - Global Agribusiness Management
8) ARE 444 - Ethics in Agribusiness
9) ARE 495 - Special Topics in Agricultural and Resource Economics* (3 credit hours)
*Any ARE 495-601 section must be pre-approved for the certificate by the
Distance Education Coordinator. ARE 495-601 may only be taken after the
successful completion of 12 credit hours.