HTML Preview Weekly Maintenance Checklist page number 1.

Date:_________ Store Location:___________________ Store #_______
Completed by:______________________________________
Before performing any maintenance perform proper lock-out / tag-out procedure!
Perform Daily Inspection
Using the checklist, inspect the mechanical room & tunnel, then run a test car
High-Pressure Pump Station
Check belts for visible signs of wear
Verify pump oil is dark green, not milky or black & is at correct level
Verify correct operating pressure (800 psi)
Check tank for sediment or debris
Listen for chatter or cavatation from pump
Air Compressor
Drain water from tank
Check site glass to ensure oil is not milky or black
Alternate air compressors with shut off
Hot Water Boiler
Confirm that the unit is running
Floor Heat Boiler
(If applicable in cold weather)
Confirm that the unit is running and appropiate antifreeze level in sight-glass
Air Manifold System
Listen for air leaks
Drain water from reservoir
Add oil to oil reservoir (if needed)
Check regulators for accurate operating pressures
Check for smooth operation of floats
Check for air gaps in feed lines. Bleed if necessary.
Water Conditioning
Test water from softener for hardness (prep gun reservoir)
Top off salt in brine tank
Test TDS level of Spot Free water
Weekly Maintenance Checklist For Site Personnel

Winners take time to relish their work, knowing that scaling the mountain is what makes the view from the top so exhilarating. | Denis Waitley