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The Coaching Game – Story Board for Children
There are times when we all need to express ourselves in ways other than using direct
For troubled children and young adults this can be very true without the necessary life
experience and or environmental influences and learning opportunities that have resulted in the
ability to relate, children and youth can find expression and communication difficult.
With this in mind, Story Board for Children has been developed as a problem solving and
communication tool. Additionally Story Board for Children makes an excellent education tool by
promoting creative writing skills.
The principles employed in this activity, particularly for children experiencing a problem is to allow
them to view the problem from the position of being once removed from the problem; to gain
insights and use creativity to think through the problem and then to find a solution as a
consequence of being emotionally detached from it. From the distance of this Point of You, new
insights can be gained and a resolution formed, like providing advice to a friend with a problem.
Additionally the exercise can be used as an educational tool for creative writing. The story that is
created can begin, develop and go wherever the child chooses. In the tradition of every good
child’s story every Children’s Story Board has the opportunity to have a happy ending.
Number of Participants:
Story Board for Children is suitable for a one-on-one session or as a group activity for children. It
is particularly useful in a classroom environment where creative writing is the objective of the
subject being taught.
It is suitable for children aged 7 mid teens and may also be an appropriate tool for adolescents
experiencing problems and who do not have the vocabulary or communication skills to discuss and
resolve issues.
You will need 1 copy of Points of You - The Coaching Game + resources such as a writing pad,
pens and pencils so that the child (or children in the group) can write their story while adding their
own drawings to further enhance the experience.
As an alternative, you may choose to voice-record the story for later review and replay.
What a wonderful way to capture your child’s development! Create a story, record it and keep it as
a loving memory!

Once you free yourself from the need for perfect acceptance, it’s a lot easier to launch work that matters. | Seth Godin