Visiting Leaders Program - Sample Agenda
This sample agenda is only a suggestion. Please finalize your agenda based on your Visiting Leader’s
schedule and the interests of your residents.
Arrival of VL
Arrival at Airport
• Transport to hotel
Dinner with Pharmacy and Residency Leadership
(Restaurant TBD)
Names of Invited Guests (exact attendees to be confirmed)
Day 1
Meeting with Department Leadership
Keynote Address-Leadership-
(15 minute mid-session break)
Residents Breakout Session
• Residents breakout into small groups to discuss key
issues/topics from Keynote Address
• Visiting Leader to lead report-out session from the
residents’ group discussions
Break; visiting residency programs depart
30 minute counseling sessions
Return to hotel for refreshment
(Restaurant to be determined)
Invited Guests:
Host PGY1 and PGY2 residents and preceptors
Day 2
Meeting with Residency Program Director
Meeting with Critical Care Residency Program Director
Meeting with Academic Advisory Committee
Meeting with Senior Vice President and Chief Academic Officer
Tour of facility with Pharmacy Leadership and Residents
Departure; transport to Airport