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Sales Plan Template
1. Goals Where am I headed? What will I accomplish? Are they SMART? (S Specific;
M Measurable; A Achievable; R Results-oriented; T Time framed)
2. KPIs Key Performance Areas
a) Lead Goals What measurable activities will LEAD to the results I want? These
include what you can control might be…# touches, # appt requests, # cold calls,
# referral request, # circle of influence meetings (people who may not buy, but
have enough influence to be a strong referral source), # networking meetings
b) Lag Goals What measurable results show progress? These are the things you
cannot control but only influence through the LEAD actions you take. They might
include # qualified conversations (phone, email, text, cold call), # sales
appointments, # closing opportunities, # new clients, # new sales, sales $ (per
week, month, year), $ income, average $ sale.
3. The Reason Why Why does the ultimate result matter? (Income for some reward,
recognition, competitive success, fulfillment, influence, fulfillment, etc.)
4. My Sales Process
Steps Tool(s) Objective
5. My Ideal Client Profile These are descriptors of your best current clients, industry,
location, buyer, etc. What is the average annual revenue you want from each new client?
What do those clients look like?
6. My Lead Generation Strategies How do you uncover leads/prospects (potential buyers
of your product or service that are ideal as defined in step 5, and show interest in what
you are offering? (networking events, speaking, direct call/email/letter/stop by, solicited
referral, unsolicited referral, web, other media, center of influence, etc)

Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. | Cyril Northcote Parkinson/Parkinson’s Law.