Notice the three
character traits here...
Character Analysis Essay
Assignment: Your assignment is to write a character analysis of a major character in the
novel To Kill a Mockingbird. Once you have chosen a character to analyze, choose three
adjectives that describe that character. These adjectives, or character traits, will be the
basis of your five-paragraph essay.
Your thesis statement should be stated directly in your introduction and be proven
throughout your body paragraphs.
You must use at least one quotation from the novel in each of the three body
paragraphs to support your ideas.
These quotations must be correctly documented according to MLA guidelines…
refer to “Format for Quotations” below.
The paper must be typed in 12 point font and double-spaced.
The paper must have a title…do not underline it or put it in quotes.
Length – The paper should be at least one full page typed, but no more than two
Deductions will be made for the following errors:
o Contractions (except in direct quotations from the story)… they are informal
o 1
and 2
person pronouns… keep your paper in 3
o Slang and non-specific words (thing, guy, a lot, kid, etc.)… also informal
o Grammar, spelling, and usage errors
o Typing errors
o Tense shifts…write in all present or all past tense…be consistent.
o Not underlining or italicizing book titles
Character Choices:
Atticus Finch
Aunt Alexandra
Boo (Arthur) Radley
Jem Finch
Miss Caroline
Miss Maudie Atkinson
Mrs. Dubose
Scout Finch
Writing Your Thesis Statement…
As we‟ve discussed, a thesis statement is a sentence or two that tells the reader what the rest
of the essay is about. Good thesis statements do not simply announce a topic; they say
something about the topic, and it provides the framework for your paper. Never start a
thesis with, “In this paper I will discuss…”
A thesis statement makes a promise to the reader about the scope, purpose, and direction of
the paper. It summarizes the conclusion that the writer has reached about the topic.
For Example: Through Miss Maudie Atkinson’s open-mindedness, optimism, and compassion,
she helps Jem and Scout better understand Atticus and their community.