If you are interested in joining our team as a
Nanny, Housekeeper, Babysitter or Personal Assistant please
Fill fill this out and return it via fax to 818-301-2502 you can call 818-232-7688
Pl Please be aware that by signing this you authorize the MC Nanny Agency
to run a Complete background check.
First Name
Last Name Email Date
City State __________ Zip
Telephone _______________________ Cell______________________ Date of Birth _____________ City of Birth
Social Security Number
Driver’s License#: State
Do you own a car? _________ Languages spoken
Lang. Read?
How did you find us (please check one)? _______Flyer _________ Ad __________Referral
Live-In (circle one) Y/N If yes, what days can you work?
If yes, do you require that you be able to stay on the weekends?
Can you do an overnight with notice?
Live – Out (circle one) Y/N
If yes, what days & hours can you work?
What age group do you prefer to care for?
Maximum number of children you will care for __________ Would you care for twins?
Will you work with children that have disabilities?
Will you do light or full housekeeping?
Will you cook for children and or the family?
Would you work in a house with pets? ____If no, please explain why
Do you have any allergies?
Have you ever been terminated from a position, if so why?
Have you ever left a position if so why?
What type of car do you drive?
Do you have experience driving children around?
Are you comfortable running errands?
Do you have any administrative or computer experience?
Have you ever worked in a Kosher home?
Have you ever cooked for a Kosher family?
When can you start?
What is your desired weekly salary (before taxes)?