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79 Hampstead Road Manningham SA 5086
PO Box 11 Collinswood SA 5081
T 08 8266 7770
F 08 8266 7771
Registered Land Agent 148936
Letter of Intention to Offer
Property Address:
Purchaser(s) full legal names:
Purchaser address:
Purchaser contact: H M
Email address:
1. Please be advised that I/We wish to offer $
as consideration for the purchase of the above property.
2. I/We will pay a deposit of 10%
I/We would like to vary the standard deposit to $
3. My/Our preferred settlement date is:
4. My/Our offer will be subject to the following conditions:
I/We understand that by signing this letter, I am / we are expressing an intention to submit an offer to
purchase the above named property. For this offer to be presented to the vendors, it must be formalised on
the appropriate standard industry contract form (Real Estate Institute of South Australia Residential
Contract). I/We understand that this Intention to Offer may be discussed with the vendors and the vendors
may consider this offer subject to variations of the terms and conditions. Acceptance of an offer is not
finalised until both parties execute the above mentioned documentation.
Please note: You are advised that this letter is an indication of intention and does not form an offer in a format that will be
accepted by the vendors. If you wish to make a formal offer and to have the offer presented to the vendors for their
consideration, you should complete a Residential Contract.
If your offer is to be subject to Conditions, eg. Finance, then you should discuss that with the Agent and include those
conditions in this your offer. The Vendor may receive several offers and may decide which of these offers, having regard
to price, settlement date and other conditions they will accept, if any.
You should also note that the Vendor may make a decision on the basis of the offers that they receive at this time and
that there may not be any further opportunity for you to make any subsequent offering on this property. This letter of
intention to offer does not grant you any exclusivity and you should understand that your best chance to purchase the
property will be to complete a Residential Contract with your highest price and best terms.

You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take | Wayne Gretzky