V01 08/12 2
Admission Template Letters
Rejection letter - in-year admissions
Any parent can apply for a place for their child at any time to any school outside the normal
admissions round.
For in-year applications (from September onwards), parents must apply directly to the
Academy for a place, as the Academy is its own admissions authority. The Local Authority
will provide the parents with information about in-year applications and a suitable application
form, but the application should be sent directly to the Academy.
On receipt of an in-year application, the Academy must notify the Local Authority of both the
application and its outcome.
Template letter:
Dear [Name of parents]
Thank you for your application for a place for your [son/daughter] at [Name of Academy]. Our
[admissions committee/Governing Body] has considered your application and unfortunately
we are unable to offer [name of child] a place at the School at this time.
[Include detailed and specific reasons here as to why the child cannot be provided with a
Please be aware that you have a right to apply for an independent appeal of this decision. If
you wish to appeal, please write to [name and address of contact at the Academy], within 20
school days of the date of this letter. You must set out the grounds of your appeal clearly, in
writing. If you require any special assistance in regards to making an appeal, please let us
We have added your child’s name to our waiting list and as soon as a place does become
available, we will contact you again.
With kind regards
[Name of Chair of Governors of Chair of the Admissions Committee]