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National Association of Extension 4-H Agents
Service Awards
Achievement in Service Award
Distinguished Service Award
Meritorious Serve Award
25 Years of Service Award
Only the "individual" applying for the award may complete the application.
If you received an award last year and have not sent a thank you note to the donor,
please do so. We greatly appreciate the generosity of our donors and it is important that
they hear from award recipients!
Achievement in Service Award (ASA)
Plaques sponsored by A & T Industries
Specific Rules:
1. Any current member of NAE4-HA who has paid dues (for at least the immediate two (2)
consecutive years prior to the current) may apply provided he/she has served more than
three (3) years but less than seven (7) years in Extension 4-H youth programs.
2. ASA quota is based on total paid membership including Life Membership received by
NAE4-HA Membership Chairman (either the Vice-President or President-Elect) by
January 31, 2013.
3. States or units (CSREES/CYF, National 4-H Council, etc.) may recommend one ASA
recipient for every 50 paid members or part thereof (i.e. 1-50 members = 1 ASA; 51-100
= 2 ASA’s; 101-150 members = 3 ASA’s; etc.).
4. ASA submissions must include: A completed online application, which includes name,
address, region, e-mail, a 25-50 word biographical summary to be printed in the
program, and a digital photo.
5. States may require additional information.
6. Late or incomplete entries will not be recognized.

The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same. – | Carlos Castaneda