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General Staff Meeting Agenda
April 6, 2005, 4–5 pm
Garber Auditorium, Chan Shun Hall
e goal of the General Staff Meeting is to formalize, streamline, and improve channels
of communication and the dissemination of information through sharing issues of
campus life, employee development, and important university messages.
Get Acquainted with Your Fellow Sta Plant Services Staff
Words of Encouragement Shilhi Seibel, Campus Ministries
Words of Welcome Jane Sabes, chair, Faculty/Staff Senate
Employee Development Feature Lorena Bidwell, Chief Information Officer
Web-based resources—General Staff Meeting documents, Senate info, Vault, New Website
Something to ink About Niels-Erik Andreasen, President
A New Andrews for a New Century—A Vision for the Future of Andrews University
Your Input Facilitated by Jane Sabes
Go in Peace
Upcoming Events
April 19—New University web pages unveiled
May—Open enrollment for health benefits
April 27—Administrative Professionals Day Breakfast
April 29-May 1—Commencement Weekend
May 11—Next General Staff Meeting
Recent Staff Transitions
New Employees
Pam Kacelenga-Adewoye, ITS; Julia Hansen, Student Services; Robert Crux, Aero. & Auto. Tech.; Gregory Montgomery,
Aero. & Auto. Tech.; Kenneth Leak, Aero. & Auto. Tech; Cheryl Lockwood, Social Work; Nicholas Herr, Campus Safety
Jon Lau, Campus Safety to Student Finance; Shanna Leak, Social Work Dept. to Enrollment Mgt.; Karen Pearson, Ad-
vancement VP Office to Development
Retirements/Voluntary Resignations
Robert Morrow, Plant Services; Emely Poleche, Seminary; Sabin Popescu, IDP; LoisAnn Straszewski, ITS; Nereida Var-
gas, Food Service; Greg Porter, Development

Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right! | Henry Ford