Time and Place. Women of Woodlawn, Inc. (WOW), held its monthly meeting on
November 13, 2014 at 4378 Katonah Avenue, Bronx, NY 10470, at 7:00 P.M.
Attendance. The following officers of the Corporation were present: Erin Lee (President),
Kim Holocher-Furletti (Vice President), Sharon Douglas
(Secretary), Iraida Gonzalez (Treasurer)
Absent: Gayle Snible ( Chief Communications Officer)
Other members present: Gerry Kelpin, Nnenna Franciamore, Sylvia Mahoney, Michelle
Connolly, April McFarlane, Linda Whetzel, Ramonita Castro, Carrie Parker
The following guests were also present by invitation: Rosie Ortiz, Maria Arias-Clarke, Chris
McKenna, Angelines M. Alba-Lamb, Susan McSherry, Kris Hart,
and Mr. Jason Laidley ( Representative from the New York City Comptroller, Scott
Stringer’s office)
Presiding Officers and Quorum. President, Erin Lee, called the meeting to order and
acted as Chair thereof, and Sharon Douglas acted as secretary of the meeting. The Chair
announced that a quorum of the officers was present, and that the meeting, having been duly
convened, was ready to proceed with its business.
4) Approval of Minutes. The secretary presented to the Corporation, the minutes of the
monthly corporate meeting of the Women of Woodlawn, Inc., held on October 9, 2014. Upon
motion duly made, seconded and unanimously approved, the following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED, that the minutes of the monthly corporate meeting of Women of Woodlawn, INC.,
held on October 9, 2014, be and they hereby are, adopted and approved.
A) Corporate Bank Account: Treasurer, Iraida Gonzalez, reported that the Corporation has
a total of $240.00; money that has been collected as membership dues. In order to provide a
depository for the funds of the Corporation and to authorize certain officers to deal with the
corporate funds, an account was opened at Country Bank on October 18, 2014. It is now
therefore, possible to accept cash as well as checks from members who wish to pay their yearly
dues by this method.