College MAP Mentor Kick-off Agenda
College MAP program introduction
Welcome, thanks and introduction to Program Directors – Executive Sponsor and or Sub-Area leader
Introduce name, service line, and experience as program lead – Program Director(s)
Introduce external participants (CFES Program Advisor, School Liaison/ school representative) –
Program Director(s)
Review agenda – Program Director(s)
o College MAP Program Slipsheet
o College MAP Curriculum Overview
o College MAP School Briefing document (completed in advance of the kick-off by school)
o Mentor Roles and Responsibilities document
o Background check authorization form (and/or background check requirements from school)
o Adult Model Release form
o Mentoring Tips Document
o College MAP Mentor Team roles
o College MAP Session Schedule
o College MAP Program Timeline for Mentors
o Optional: Mentor Training Scenario Worksheet
Icebreaker: Getting to know one another
All participants share the following:
o Name
o Role/ service line
o Hometown
o College (undergraduate and graduate)
o One fun fact
o Returning College MAP Mentor? Y/N
Each Mentor to go around the room and share a little bit about their college journey, and why they
wanted to become a College MAP Mentor
o Barriers/ obstacles
o Financial aid, scholarships, funding
o First-generation graduate stories
o Family support/ issues
o Non-traditional paths taken
Overview of the College MAP program
Review the College MAP Program Slipsheet – Program Directors
College MAP Mentor Orientation – PowerPoint presentation (Program Directors and CFES Program
Local College MAP logistics
Review College MAP School Briefing document and explain Scholar group – School Liaison
Review school calendar and timeline of school-related events – School Liaison
Review College MAP Curriculum Overview and assign College MAP Session Leaders to each session in
the upcoming year – Program Directors
Optional: Review the College MAP Mentor Team Roles document and assign Mentors – Program