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College MAP Mentor Kick-off Agenda
College MAP program introduction
Welcome, thanks and introduction to Program Directors Executive Sponsor and or Sub-Area leader
Introduce name, service line, and experience as program lead Program Director(s)
Introduce external participants (CFES Program Advisor, School Liaison/ school representative)
Program Director(s)
Review agenda Program Director(s)
o College MAP Program Slipsheet
o College MAP Curriculum Overview
o College MAP School Briefing document (completed in advance of the kick-off by school)
o Mentor Roles and Responsibilities document
o Background check authorization form (and/or background check requirements from school)
o Adult Model Release form
o Mentoring Tips Document
o College MAP Mentor Team roles
o College MAP Session Schedule
o College MAP Program Timeline for Mentors
o Optional: Mentor Training Scenario Worksheet
Icebreaker: Getting to know one another
All participants share the following:
o Name
o Role/ service line
o Hometown
o College (undergraduate and graduate)
o One fun fact
o Returning College MAP Mentor? Y/N
Each Mentor to go around the room and share a little bit about their college journey, and why they
wanted to become a College MAP Mentor
o Barriers/ obstacles
o Financial aid, scholarships, funding
o First-generation graduate stories
o Family support/ issues
o Non-traditional paths taken
Overview of the College MAP program
Review the College MAP Program Slipsheet Program Directors
College MAP Mentor Orientation PowerPoint presentation (Program Directors and CFES Program
Local College MAP logistics
Review College MAP School Briefing document and explain Scholar group School Liaison
Review school calendar and timeline of school-related events School Liaison
Review College MAP Curriculum Overview and assign College MAP Session Leaders to each session in
the upcoming year Program Directors
Optional: Review the College MAP Mentor Team Roles document and assign Mentors Program

All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind. | Aristotle