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Application For A
Residential Tenancy
In Terms of the Privacy Act 1993 you are given notice that:
1. Requests Information. This application form asks you to provide personal information and
2. Purpose of Collection. The information is being collected on this form by the landlord / rental manager
whose address is shown on page 3 and is required so that the landlord / rental manager can check the
information and be able to assess whether you would be the best applicant on merit for the tenancy and we
are also obliged to inquire whether you are a minor and
3. Recipient of Information. The intended recipient of this information is Barfoot & Thompson whose name
appears at the top of this form or the landlord and
4. Sight information. We advise that you have the right to see the information we hold about you and
5. Correct Information. To correct that information if it is incorrect and
6. Holding Information. In the event that Barfoot & Thompson Ltd is required to carry out a credit check then
Barfoot & Thompson Ltd are obliged by law to retain the record of that application.
Other information drawn to your attention:
Understanding. By completing this form you evidence the fact that you are applying to rent
a residential house / flat / apartment and
You are further advised that: If you do not supply all the information requested in this form you may not be
considered as the best applicant on merit for a specific property or other properties available for rent and
Please note: A separate completed application form is required for each person who proposes to enter a
tenancy agreement as a tenant.
Signature of Applicant ........................................................................................................ Date .............../ ....................../ ......................
1 REN002 JUN 2016

Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing it is stupid | Einstein