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I plan to work in the field of water resource management either with a local government or NGO. I am
particularly interested in the issues of water quality, access, and distribution.
Yale University, School of Forestry & Environmental Studies New Haven, Connecticut
Candidate for Master of Environmental Management/Science (MEM), 2009
Water resource management
Ecology, Marine Ecology, Social Science of Conservation and Development, Statistics of Environmental
University of Richmond Richmond, VA
University of Richmond Honors Program in Biology, 2005-2006
Tri Beta Biology Honor Society, Spring 2006, Pi Mu Epsilon Mathematics Honor Society, Spring 2005,
Golden Key National Honor Society, Fall 2004, Phi Eta Sigma Scholarship, Spring 2003
Institute of International Education St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago
Fulbright Research Fellow, 7/2006-5/2007
Received a Fulbright Research Grant to investigate the conservation of natural resources in Trinidad and
Determined the effectiveness of Environmental Legislation in Trinidad and Tobago
Researched the construction of two aluminum smelters through community meetings, newspaper articles,
consultations, and interviews
University of Richmond Department of Biology Richmond, VA
Honors Research, August 2005-May 2006
Prepared a floristic treatment of the species Acalypha found in Yucatan, Mexico
Wrote final paper and prepared a poster presentation at the Spring Symposium at the University of
Yale University New Haven, CT
Yale Alumni Student Intern, September 2007-present
Instrumental in managing the Yale Forestry and Environmental Studies Career Network
Manage and update Yale Forestry and Environmental Studies Alumni database
Contact alumni to encourage them to join the Yale Career Network
Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint,), InDesign
Hiking, camping, music (viola, percussion), traveling, photography

Winning is not a sometime thing; it’s an all time thing. You don’t win once in a while, you don’t do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing. | Vince Lombardi