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Sample Offer Letter – Internal Transfer or
Promotion to Different Department
(Insert Date)
(Insert Name of Selected Applicant)
(Insert Address)
Dear (Insert Name):
We are pleased to offer you a (transfer/promotion) to the position of (Insert Name of Job Title) at the
(insert location) office at a (monthly/hourly) rate of ($$$) with an anticipated start date of (DATE). Your
benefits will remain unchanged with this transfer.
To aid you with the transition to your new position, I will be having performance discussions with you
through evaluations I will complete at the end of your first, third and fifth months. Please feel free to ask
questions about your new position and/or your performance at any time. [Note: This is encouraged but
not required. If hiring supervisor does not see the need for these evaluations, delete paragraph from
offer letter.]
Congratulations on being selected for your new position and I look forward to working with you as we
serve the people of Texas!
Please sign below indicating your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this offer and return.
(Hiring Supervisor Name)
I accept the terms and conditions of this offer.
(Insert Name of Selected Applicant) (Insert Date)

If it really was a no–brainer to make it on your own in business there’d be millions of no–brained, harebrained, and otherwise dubiously brained individuals quitting their day jobs and hanging out their own shingles. Nobody would be left to round out the workforce and execute the business plan. | Bill Rancic