HTML Preview Planning Calendar page number 1.

Sample Planning Calendar
Account Links
Update Degree Progress from Summer School Activity
Student-Athlete: Deg. Progress
Review Users and Groups (Single-Source Sign-On System)
Roll Over Academic Year
Tools: New Academic Year
Review Main Page Announcements
Administration: Message
Member Information
Financial Aid
Sport Sponsorship
Academic Calendar
Transfer Recruiting Information
Tools: Recruiting Startup
Create the Incoming Student-Athlete Records
Recruiting: Make S-A
Import: CSV or XML
Student-Athlete: New Student
Roll Over Current Student-Athletes into the New Academic
Tools: Sport Season Startup
Following Roll Over, Review Student-Athletes Sport Status
(e.g., Assigned to Correct Teams, Medically Exempt,
Exhausted Eligibility, Seasons Used and Years of Aid
Student-Athletes: Sports
Declare Playing and Practice Seasons
Playing Seasons: Sports
August September
Enter Financial Aid Awards for the Upcoming Academic Year
Student-Athletes: Financial Aid
Update Student-Athlete Records
Student-Athlete: Detail
Certify Eligibility for Fall Practice/Competition
Student-Athlete: Initial
Student-Athlete: Transfer
Student-Athlete: General
Generate Squad Lists Prior to First Fall Competition in Each
Reporting: Standard Reports
Create Records for NLI Signees
Recruiting: New PSA
Recruiting: Detail
Recruiting: NLI/Offer
December January
Create Records for Student-Athletes Enrolling at Mid-Year
Student-Athlete: New Student
Certify Eligibility for Spring Practice/Competition
Student-Athlete: Deg. Progress
Student-Athlete: General
Generate Squad Lists Prior to First Spring Competition in
Each Sport
Reporting: Standard Reports
February – April
Create Records for NLI Signees
Recruiting: New PSA
Recruiting: Detail
Recruiting: NLI/Offer
Begin Tracking Eligibility Center Status
Recruiting: Detail
Update Degree Progress
Student-Athlete: Deg. Progress

Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. | Cyril Northcote Parkinson/Parkinson’s Law.