MEETING DATE: January 16
, 2014
Management Activity Report
Cathy Clarke, General Manager
Managing Directors
That the Board of Directors receive this report for information.
The General Manager is the sole employee of the Board of Directors, and it is the Board’s
responsibility to “supervise the management of the affairs of the corporation.” A report from the
General Manager will be provided at each meeting, and is one tool to assist you with that
Please note that members of the Board have access to the General Manager and Managing
Directors in between meetings, and are welcome to ask questions, seek clarification, and
engage with the GM and MDs.
General Manager
1. Corporate Oversight of Financial and Human Resource Investments
• Budget development work; budget draft complete inclusive of all wants/needs as
we know them, on schedule for Council, Board and Committee presentations
• Human resource audits of paid and unpaid staff (AVP, intern and volunteer
resource programs); awaiting Union, legal feedback on budget triggered HR
changes, Board will be informed when sign off needed
• Requisite department reorganizations, growth plans; as per budget requirements
• Adherence to existing codes, contracts, policies; on track, those requiring Board
approval will be presented to Board as required (annual amendment and/or
update basis)