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Group Interview Agenda - 1
Tutoring Services, Heartland Community College, Normal, Illinois
(Target duration: 2 hours for Candidates plus 1 additional hour for interview personnel)
I. Introduction (10 min.) - Facilitator
A. Interview personnel (Facilitator, Assistants) introduce selves to Candidates
and provide brief explanation of their role in process
B. Candidates introduce selves to rest of group
C. Facilitator provides overview of agenda
II. Group Activities (70 min.) Facilitator and Assistants
A. Structured Experience (50 min.)
B. Focused Discussion (20 min.)
III. Information Session (25 min.) - Facilitator
A. Explaining particulars of position(s)
1. Number of hours per week/number of positions
2. Wages
3. Statement of expectations
a. Qualities and characteristics of successful employees
b. Mandatory orientation and training
B. Gathering Candidate particulars
1. Employment forms
a. Background check authorization
b. Employment application
c. Professional references
2. Program forms
C. Explaining particulars of selection process
1. Status of interview process (e.g., first of three interviews; the third
will be completed by _________)
2. Date and form of next contact (e.g., will receive notification [phone
call or letter or email] by _________)
IV. Candidate Questions (10 min.) Facilitator and Assistants
V. Summary, Conclusion, and Dismissal (5 min.) - Facilitator
VI. Discussion of Interview Observations and Reflections (60 min.) Facilitator and

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