HTML Preview Cleaning Checklist Covid 19 health and hygiene page number 1.

Routine cleaning
What do I need?
Detergent, either as a solution that can be
mixed with water, or as wipes, or
A 2-in-1 detergent and disinfectant solution, or
wipes which can be used for routine cleaning.
When should I clean?
Clean your workplace at the end of the work
day using a detergent, or a 2-in-1 detergent
and disinfectant solution.
Focus on:
Frequently touched surfaces such as tabletops,
door handles, light switches, desks, toilets and
toilet doors, taps, TV remotes, kitchen surfaces
and cupboard handles
Clean objects and surfaces used repeatedly
by lots of people frequently throughout the
day using a detergent, or 2-in-1 detergent and
disinfectant solution.
For example:
Trolleys and baskets, checkouts, EFTPOS
machines, handrails, elevator buttons
Clean surfaces and fittings that are visibly
soiled or after any spillage as soon as possible
using a detergent, or a 2-in-1 detergent and
disinfectant solution.
Instruct workers to clean personal property
that has been brought to work and is likely to
be handled at work or during breaks with a
detergent or 2-in-1 detergent and disinfectant
solution, or wipes.
For example:
Sunglasses, mobile phones, ipads, car keys
This checklist will assist you to implement
health and hygiene measures at your
workplace and do a review of your
facilities. Don’t forget to also check our
COVID-19 website for additional measures
for yourindustry.
How to safely clean
Read the product label and Safety Data Sheet
for the cleaning product(s) before using and
make sure you follow all instructions, including
all required personal protective equipment
(PPE). Also make sure the product is suitable
for use on the surface you are cleaning.
Instruct workers to wear gloves when cleaning
and ensure they know to wash their hands
thoroughly with soap and water, or to use
alcohol-based hand sanitiser if they cannot
wash their hands, both before and after
wearing gloves.
If possible, use disposable gloves when
cleaning and discard after each use.
Otherwise, only use reusable gloves for
routine cleaning and do not share gloves
between workers.
After cleaning
Dispose of any disposable cloths in a rubbish
bag, or launder reusable cloths in the
Cleaning if someone in my
workplace is suspected or
confirmed to have COVID-19
Preparing to clean
Prevent access to the areas that were used by
the suspected or confirmed case as well as
any common areas (break rooms, bathrooms)
and any known or likely touch points.
Open outside doors and windows if possible
to increase air circulation.
What do I need?
A detergent, as a solution that can be mixed
with water, and

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