HTML Preview Personal Budget page number 1.

November 2006
Revenue projections, staffing projections, health benefit projections, fleet replacement
estimates, building maintenance charges, building lease costs, and other non-departmental
expenditures were prepared.
December 2006
Budget preparation instructions delivered to departments and they prepared their operating
budget requests.
February 2007
Departmental budget requests were submitted to the Manager’s Office. As requests were
submitted, they were reviewed by Finance Department staff for accuracy and reasonableness.
February and
Budget meetings are held on an as-needed basis between the Manager’s Office and each
department, if necessary, to discuss and review the departmental request.
March 30
The School District submitted their proposed FY08 budget to the Assembly on or before this
April 04
The date the Manager’s FY08 Proposed Operating Budget delivered to the Assembly.
April 09
Introduction of the FY07 Appropriating Ordinances at a Special Assembly meeting.
April 4 to June 15
The Assembly Finance Committee meets every Wednesday evening from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. in
the Assembly Chambers to review the Manager’s proposed budget.
April 30
Regular Assembly Meeting: Public hearings on the proposed FY08 budget ordinances and to
indicate the amount to be made available for School District support
May 10
Assembly Board of Equalization (BOE) will hear the 2007 property assessment appeals.
June 01
The date, by which, the Assessor is required to certify the 2007real and personal property
June 04
The FY08 operating budget, FY08 capital improvement program budget and 2008 property tax
mill levy were adopted on this date. The City Charter states adoption must occur no later than
June 15.
July 01
Property tax statements mailed.
July 01 to June 30
July 01, 2007 to June 30, 2008 Mid Year Appropriations. The City and Borough Charter
Section 9.10 provides for supplemental and emergency mid year appropriations. The
Assembly by ordinance may make supplemental appropriations for the FY08 year up to the
amount of the additional revenues identified. Upon declaration by the Assembly that a public
emergency exists and describing the emergency in clear and specific terms, the Assembly may
make emergency appropriations. Emergency appropriations may be made by resolution and
shall be approved by all Assembly members present or by seven or more of the members,
which ever is the lesser number.
September 4
The date the Assessor certified the adjusted real and personal property assessment roll.
September 30
The due date for the payment of real and business personal property tax assessments.

Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing it is stupid | Einstein