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Section(VII.2( Resume(–(Program(Specialist(Resume/Job(Description(
Allan Hancock Joint Community College District Classified Management
Human Resources Range 20
Under the direction of the college Vice President of Academic Affairs, the CCPT Project Director provides
leadership, and assists and supports in the design, organization, delivery, supervision, evaluation, and fiscal
management of a comprehensive set of activities related to the goals and objectives of the CCPT Grant. This project
focuses on building career pathways articulated between high school, and the community college district;
developing project-based career technical education curriculum; providing work-based learning opportunities for
both high school and community college students; and addressing skill shortages in high-growth industries and
occupations in Northern Santa Barbara County. The Project Director will lead a regional consortium that includes
the Allan Hancock Joint Community College District (AHJCCD), local LEAs, the Santa Barbara County Education
Office (SBCEO), business leaders and community partners, and the Workforce Investment Board (WIB) of Santa
Barbara County.
In coordination with the Career Integration Initiative (CII) Leadership Team,
Plan, direct, organize, and manage the development and implementation of project activities that assess, improve,
and result in the increase of articulated career pathways at secondary and postsecondary levels.
Plan, direct, organize, and manage the development and implementation of project activities that assess, improve,
and result in the development of model transfer and articulation agreements (targeted career pathways) between the
community college and school district partners.
Direct and oversee project activities to ensure that goals, objectives, and timelines are met and in alignment with the
college’s priorities and objectives; develop and implement an effective system of evaluation of the project and its
Administer and monitor program/activity budgets and expenditures to ensure reporting requirements (fiscal and
programmatic) are in compliance with District policy and state and grant guidelines.
Communicate the objectives, progress, and outcomes of project initiatives to faculty, staff, students, administrators,
and high school partners, and the community; maintain open and regular communications with all project
stakeholders; prepare quarterly and annual progress reports to show progress toward project objective and activities.
Establish and maintain open and effective communication among faculty, staff, students, and administrators, as well
as business, community, LEAs, and high school partners.
Facilitate the project’s collaborative Industry Cluster Task Groups and Design Teams.
Integrate best practices of the project into institutional operation by the end of the grant period.
Supervise project personnel.
Perform related duties as assigned.

The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it. | Debbi Fields