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The College shall reimburse reasonable expenditure incurred by staff travelling in the
United Kingdom on approved College business as follows:
economy air fares and airport bus charges;
rail fares; including seat reservation charges;
car travel at the rate per mile approved;
actual and reasonable expenses incurred for meals and hotel and/or sleeper
accommodation up to the level of subsistence payable to civil servants (see below).
Taxi fares shall be claimed only where it can be shown that there was no reasonable
alternative method of transport or where it was essential to save time.
The cheapest of these alternatives shall be selected, unless otherwise approved by the
Head of School/Department. Wherever possible, bills shall be submitted in support of the
claim and the budget signatory should indicate on the expenses claim that this is
accepted as the cheapest of the alternatives available.
5. Health & Safety
Excerpt from above Policy
7.5 Accident Reporting
Major injuries, accidents or dangerous occurrences must be reported to the Safety
Officer immediately and all others within seven days. This includes events off College
premises such as field trips.
6. Data Protection
Excerpt from above Policy
12.1 Data Protection Principles
Data must not:
Be transferred to countries without acceptable data protection laws unless explicit
prior consent has been obtained.
Personal data covers both facts and opinions about you as an employee. It also includes
information regarding the intentions of the data controller towards employees although in
some limited circumstances, exemptions will apply. Processing data incorporates the
concepts of obtaining, holding and disclosing personal information.
12.4 Data Security
You are responsible for ensuring that:
Any data which you hold, is kept securely, e.g. using a locked filing cabinet or
drawer, or using passwords to protect computer documents, or kept only on disk
which itself is kept securely.
Personal information is not disclosed either orally or in writing or accidentally or
otherwise to any unauthorised party.
7. Repayment

Long–range planning works best in the short term. | Doug Evelyn