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supplier, the College credit card should be used to effect payment. A full explanation
must be given setting out the inappropriateness of existing College suppliers.
The cheapest alternatives shall be selected unless otherwise approved by the Head of
School/Department. Wherever possible bills shall be submitted in support of the claim
and the budget signatory should indicate on the expenses claim that this is accepted as
the cheapest of the alternatives available.
The College’s Travel Insurance Policy covers staff members travelling in the U.K. and
abroad in normal circumstances. There should be no need to obtain additional
insurance cover. Queries concerning travel insurance cover should be addressed to the
College Secretary.
1.3 Mode of Travel
The budget holder in accordance with the guidance in the Financial Regulations must
determine the mode of authorised travel for any journey.
1.3.5 Taxis
Exceptionally, local taxi fares may be claimed through personal expense claims stating
the date, reason, destination of journey and justification for failure to use nominated
Excerpt from Appendix I-2
2.1 Meals claimable: 5 hours 5 miles restriction
Where the duties of a business journey or the distance involved make it necessary for an
employee to stay at that place, a claim for accommodation and subsistence can be
made. The refund will be no more than the costs incurred and receipts must be
produced. There is a restriction on meals where no overnight stay is involved: the
claimant must be out of the office for more than 5 hours and at a distance of more than 5
miles before a claim for a meal can be made. The payment of expenses to the
employee must do no more than cover the costs incurred and receipts should be
2.3 Incidental Personal Expenses
In general personal expenses such as laundry, newspapers, mini bar, video hire etc are
not allowable.
Other personal expenses including personal telephone use will be refunded up to a limit
of £5 per overnight stay in the U.K. and £10 per overnight stay abroad. Receipts should
be produced and if the limit is exceeded the amount refunded will be restricted to the £5
or £10 limit.
2.6 Mobile Phones
Calls on privately owned mobile phones are claimable within the terms set out in section
2.5 above. Where the College provides mobile phones any personal use must be re-
imbursed at actual cost of calls plus a contribution for service rental. Currently service
rental should be provided for at a mark up of 15% on call cost.
4. Transport, Travel Expenses/Subsistence Allowances & Insurance
Excerpt from above Policy
3.7 Travelling Expenses and Subsistence Allowance

The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same. – | Carlos Castaneda