WA POLICE Applicant – Physical Training Program
The accompanying information is provided as a guide only. You are advised to consult with your doctor and to
seek appropriate professional advice prior to commencing any type of exercise or physical activity, including
any of the exercises suggested in the following diagrams and words.
By acting upon any of the information below, you acknowledge and agree that:
• You assume the risks associated with any and all activities and exercises in which you participate;
• you are solely responsible for any and all injuries, changes, affect of otherwise that may occur to you,
including death; and
• no warranties or representations have been made to you regarding the results you will achieve from the
accompanying information and that results are individual and may vary.
Neither the State of Western Australia ("State"), the Western Australian Police Service ("WAPS") nor the
Commissioner of Police ("Commissioner"), nor any officer, member or employee of the State, the WAPS or the
Commissioner shall be liable, in negligence or howsoever, for any illness or injury (including death) sustained
by or occurring to you on account of or in the course of any exercise or physical activity undertaken by you in
the remedial exercise program referred to in or contemplated by this document.
Weekly Program
Day Activity Related test
Strength Session #1 - Body Weight (See Page 2)
Cardio Session #1 - Beep Test Specific
Mark out three different distance shuttles (10m/20m/30m)
5min continuous 10m shuttles (2min rest)
5min continuous 20m shuttles (2min rest)
5min continuous 30m shuttles (2min rest)
5min continuous 10m/20m/30m shuttles (2min rest)
Beep Test
Core and Agility Session (See Page 3)
Rest/Light Activity Day
(30mins of Walking/Cycling/Swimming/Stretching)
Strength Session #2 - Gym Workout (See Page 2)
Cardio Session #2 - Long Fartlek Run
10min Easy jog warm up
6 x (2min Moderate Intensity Run/30sec High Intensity Run)
Beep Test
Sit Up
Beep Test
Before beginning any exercise program you should seek advice from a medical practitioner.
If you are unfamiliar with any of the training principles or exercises listed in this program please seek
the guidance of a qualified professional.
This training program can be completed as a whole or in individual sessions as required.
Complete a thorough warm up (5-10min jog) and full body stretch before completing any form of
A cool down and stretch should be conducted at the conclusion of each session.
All weighted strength exercises should be conducted using a weight that you are able to safely
complete the required reps using the correct technique.
A gradual increase in training provides the best results because it increases your body’s ability to
adapt and recover.
It is recommended that you have 1-2 rest days before completing your applicant testing session so that
your body is well recovered from training.
Cease training immediately if you experience any abnormal sensations, difficulty breathing or chest
pain and consult a medical practitioner immediately.
This training program is designed as a guide only.
Prepared by Physical Training Unit, WA Police Academy, 81 Lakeside Drive, Joondalup, WA 6027.