HTML Preview Guidelines Initial Sample Process for Components page number 1.

Working Instruction
sequential No.
Version – Month/Year
V3 – 11/15
Initial Sample Test Report
Name Date Signature
Responsible for procedure: Marco Bertiller 30.10.2015 Patrick Walter
Reviewed: Patrick Walter 02.11.2015 Benjamin Lohrer
Issued by: Patrick Walter Amendment since last version (red)
Intranet and Homepage
Screenshots adjusted
Scope of random samples adjusted
Overall EMPB decision and future incoming inspection adjusted
Overall status adjusted
Definition of features for scope of sampling process adjusted
Document name: Template issued by Revision of
Date of template Page
FB-QM-003-ISO Arbeitsanweisung D. Oldak V1 10.07.2013 1 / 11
1. Objective / Purpose
This working instruction is intended to serve as guideline to assist the smooth handling of the initial
sample process for components. Objective of the initial sampling process is to determine if all
design records and specification documents have been completely understood by the supplier and
if the production is able to manufacture parts which fulfill these requirements during the actual
production (series production) with the pre-determined production quantity.
The supplier is responsible for the execution and correctness of the test and measurement results
of the sample test. The purchaser reserves the right of cross-checking.
2. Scope
This guideline applies to all suppliers (internal and external) of parts which are manufactured
according to the specifications of JULABO GmbH.
3. Abbreviations
See Intranet Organization contacts/codes/abbreviations list of internal abbreviations
4. Terms and definitions
First sample
First samples are products which were manufactured with standard equipment under standard
conditions. Sampling with initial samples is called initial sample test. Sampling for the release of
production processes and products must be performed with initial samples. A positive or negative
assessment of the initial sample (incl. documentation) by the purchaser results in the release or
rejection of the delivered product.
Pre-serial sample
Pre-serial samples are manufactured with tools for small series or near-series systems which
guarantee manufacturing process reliability. The applied manufacturing method corresponds with
the subsequent serial production. To safe-guard the series start-up phase the products can be
installed in pre-series products both with regard to their quality and produced numbers and are
therefore suited for sampling.
Other samples
Other samples (DIN 55350, part 15) are products and material which are manufactured under not
entirely serial conditions. Other samples may not be used for initial sample release. The release of
other samples is not equivalent to serial release and does not give reason to waive the initial
sample release procedure.

If you would like to know the value of money, try to borrow some. | Benjamin Franklin